Our Legacy

Your support can help us continue our work for years to come. By leaving a legacy to DVA, you can ensure that future creatives and supporters of the arts can benefit from our work in Dorset and beyond.


Why leave a Legacy?

Leaving a gift in your will is a wonderful way to support DVA. It’s a lasting investment in the arts, helping us inspire, engage, and enrich the professional development of artists, designers and makers in Dorset.

How to Leave a Legacy

Leaving a gift to Dorset Visual Arts in your will is straightforward. You can leave a specific sum of money, an item, or a percentage of your estate. If you already have a will, your solicitor can help you make a simple addition (called a codicil) to include your gift to us.

Make a Lasting Impact

Your legacy will help us to:

• Support artists: Provide opportunities for artists, designers and makers to develop and showcase work
• Engage the community: Offer accessible and inclusive arts activities for all ages and backgrounds
• Preserve our cultural heritage: Conserve and celebrate Dorset’s rich artistic heritage

Get in Touch

If you’re considering leaving a legacy to DVA, or if you have any questions, please get in touch and we can provide more information or discuss how your gift can make a real difference. Thank you for considering supporting DVA through a legacy gift. Your generosity will help us to continue our valuable work in Dorset for generations to come.

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