Artist in Residence at The Brewery Tap

Artist in Residence at The Brewery Tap

To coincide with this year’s Dorset Art Weeks, Dorset Visual Arts and their headline sponsor Hall & Woodhouse have supported a residency and commission opportunity for Dorset artists.

Shortlisted artists were commissioned to respond to the heritage, history and working environment of Hall & Woodhouse. As part of the residency, two selected artists Charlotte Beare and Jack Dickson, were invited to produce a small series of works reflecting on the life of Hall & Woodhouse and its staff through engagement and observation; working both on-site and back in the studio.


Jayne Jackson Dorset Art Weeks Launch
Jack Dickson at the Dorset Art Weeks launch. Photo Credit: Jayne Jackson 

Thank you to Charlotte and Jack for producing some fantastic work which you can now see at The Brewery Tap, Blandford (DAW venue 223).

Many thanks to Hall & Woodhouse who have been an important long term supporter of Dorset Art Weeks. An ideal partner as visitors make their way around the county visiting artists open studios and exhibitions.


Jayne Jackson Dorset Art Weeks Launch
Charlotte Beare at the Dorset Art Weeks launch. Photo Credit: Jayne Jackson 

Anthony Woodhouse, Chairman of Hall & Woodhouse, said: “We are delighted to be partnering with Dorset Art Weeks for this year’s celebration of artistic talent within the county.”

“Hall & Woodhouse’s purpose is to make people’s day and enrich the communities in which we operate. Supporting Dorset Art Weeks, which we have done for many years, we feel certainly enriches our communities and, in terms of making people’s day, what could be better than spending the day visiting a couple of artists in their studios, and having a delicious lunch at one of our pubs?”

25 MAY - 9 JUNE 2024

Artists in Residence at The Brewery Tap. Venue 223

Photos taken by Jayne Jackson on behalf of Arts Development Company. 


Website design by AztecMedia, Yeovil, Somerset