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Minna Harvey

profile picture

ARTIST STATEMENT: A figurative artist with an instinct for story-telling and an eye for colour. Sketchbook and pen in constant use, recording people, places and events as they take place. Favoured subjects are saints and circus, travellers and journeys, folklore and festivals, ceremonies and celebrations. The interactive energy produced is what fuels and propels the painting process. Essentially the finished work retains its spontaneity and atmosphere – the product of sound drawing, vibrant colour, a little ingenuity and much thought. BACKGROUND: Trained at Bath Academy of Art Corsham. Subsequent Distinctions in Fine Arts Diplomas were obtained at Shelley Park under the tuition of Peter Joyce and Brian Graham. WORK:Taught art at Talbot Heath School and later in Adult Education. SPECIALITY: Hinged wood panel triptychs, canvases and folded paper books. EXHIBITIONS: Work shown in solo and shared exhibitions including Southampton City Arts, RWA Bristol, Fisherton Mill, Salisbury Playhouse, Acanthus Wareham, and various Wimborne locations. Resident artist at Walford Mill (2002), RNLI College Poole (2009-11), BSO Lighthouse Poole (2011-2013), Dorset Visual Arts open studio events.

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