Kathryn Thomas
Kathryn Thomas Original Oil Paintings
Kathryn's collection ‘Wonderment’ shows significant development in her technique and understanding of celestial bodies whilst also borrowing elements of her ‘Kaleidoscopic’ and ‘Contemplation’ painting collections. Kathryn graduated from the University of West of England in 1988 with a degree in Fine Art. Her career has developed as a result of awards, appointments, exhibitions, the growth of a significant and loyal band of collectors and, of course, first time buyers. Kathryn's imagery is inspired by the horizon, the cosmos and everything atmospheric in between. The stunning original paintings are created using handmade natural pigment oil paint on fine linen. In setting up her Poole studio in 2010, Kathryn held annual exhibitions as well as appearing on ITV1's Harbour Lives. In response to high demand, she has launched limited edition prints of the successful 'Kaleidoscopic' collection in 2015, 'Contemplation' in 2016 and the most recent 'Wonderment' Collection - all of which can be viewed by appointment, just get in touch.
- Phone:
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: kathryn-thomas.co.uk