Gillian Hales
Artisan / Maker
As a child I illustrated my sister's stories and designed posters for my Nan's WI events. I spent school lunch breaks in the art room, but my parents weren't willing to put me through University so I left school to earn my keep as a Secretary. For four years I saved money to complete an Art Foundation Course. I subsequently blagged my way into a junior designer role and seized the opportunity to complete an HND in Graphic Design on day release. My design career spanned 20 years going from marker mock-ups and bromides to digital design. Over time, I mourned the loss of 'stick & paste' so returned to college to complete a BA Hons in Visual Design and a Primary PGCE. I loved teaching and leading Art & Design for my schools: you'd be surprised how many transferable skills there are! Disaster struck with COVID 19 in October 2021 after which I was left disabled and my teaching career ended abruptly. Painting and creating have saved my sanity since losing my identity, mobility and independence. Art & craft are not just therapy for my well-being but the silver lining in my dark cloud.