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Ina Pickard

Figurative and semi abstraction

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I’m not good at talking about my work: Subjective reasons for a painter’s output seem often to be an arty farty raison d'etre. If a work has to be accompanied by an explanation it seems to me to miss the point. I tend to think that art objects should speak for themselves and it’s the viewer’s engagement that matters. They may respond to colour, composition, subject matter or media,…all of the components that interplay in an artist’s modus operandi. I like It if a different meaning is found in my work that is personal for the viewer. The painter’s own subjective thoughts are irrelevant in this respect and although there’s always more to my painting’s subject than seems at first glance; I just prefer the viewer to work that out or give it their own take. I’m not good at talking about my work.

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